Taylor C. Dotson
Curriculum Vitae
Professional Experience
Associate Professor of Social Science | CLASS Department, New Mexico Tech, August 2019-present
Department Chair | CLASS Department, New Mexico Tech, August 2019-Dec. 2019, August 2020-present
Research Consultant | WHOA Inc., August 2018-2022
Assistant Professor of Social Science | CLASS Department, New Mexico Tech, August 2015-2019
Math/CIS Instructor | Aaniih Nakoda Tribal College, January 2009-May 2010
Department Chair | CLASS Department, New Mexico Tech, August 2019-Dec. 2019, August 2020-present
Research Consultant | WHOA Inc., August 2018-2022
Assistant Professor of Social Science | CLASS Department, New Mexico Tech, August 2015-2019
Math/CIS Instructor | Aaniih Nakoda Tribal College, January 2009-May 2010
PhD | Science and Technology Studies, May 2015
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.
"Communitarian Technology," Dissertation Chair: Edward J. Woodhouse
MS | Industrial Mathematics, May 2008
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM
Concentration in Computational Material Science
BS | Mathematics, December 2006
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.
"Communitarian Technology," Dissertation Chair: Edward J. Woodhouse
MS | Industrial Mathematics, May 2008
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM
Concentration in Computational Material Science
BS | Mathematics, December 2006
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM
The Divide | MIT Press, 2021
How Fanatical Certitude is Destroying Democracy
Technically Together | MIT Press, 2017
Reconstructing Community in a Networked World
How Fanatical Certitude is Destroying Democracy
Technically Together | MIT Press, 2017
Reconstructing Community in a Networked World
Peer-Reviewed Articles
2019 | Journal of Responsible Innovation, 6(3): 305-322.
"The Promise and Perils of Produced Waters: Intelligent Trial and Error as an Anticipatory Framework for Enabling Responsible Innovation"
2018 | Social Epistemology, 32(4): 228-240
"Epistemological Luddism: Reinvigorating a Concept for Action in 21st Century Sociotechnical Strugges" (with Michael Lachney)
2016 | Teknokultura, 13(2): 511-540
"Generating Community, Generating Justice? The Production and Circulation of Value in Community Energy Initiatives." (with James Wilcox)
2016 | Journal of Urbanism, 9(2): 148-165
"Trial and Error Urbanism: Addressing Obduracy, Uncertainty and Complexity in Urban Planning and Design."
2015 | Engaging Science, Technology, and Society, 1: 98-120
"Technological Determinism and Permissionless Innovation as Technocratic Governing Mentalities: Psychocultural Barriers to Democratizing Technology."
2014 | AI & Society, 29(1): 11-21
"Authentic Virtual Others? The Promise of Post-Modern Technologies."
2013 | Philosophy & Technology, 26(2): 139-157
"Design for Community: Toward a Communitarian Ergonomics."
2012 | Technology in Society, 34(4): 326-336
"Technology, Choice and the Good Life: Questioning Technological Liberalism."
"The Promise and Perils of Produced Waters: Intelligent Trial and Error as an Anticipatory Framework for Enabling Responsible Innovation"
2018 | Social Epistemology, 32(4): 228-240
"Epistemological Luddism: Reinvigorating a Concept for Action in 21st Century Sociotechnical Strugges" (with Michael Lachney)
2016 | Teknokultura, 13(2): 511-540
"Generating Community, Generating Justice? The Production and Circulation of Value in Community Energy Initiatives." (with James Wilcox)
2016 | Journal of Urbanism, 9(2): 148-165
"Trial and Error Urbanism: Addressing Obduracy, Uncertainty and Complexity in Urban Planning and Design."
2015 | Engaging Science, Technology, and Society, 1: 98-120
"Technological Determinism and Permissionless Innovation as Technocratic Governing Mentalities: Psychocultural Barriers to Democratizing Technology."
2014 | AI & Society, 29(1): 11-21
"Authentic Virtual Others? The Promise of Post-Modern Technologies."
2013 | Philosophy & Technology, 26(2): 139-157
"Design for Community: Toward a Communitarian Ergonomics."
2012 | Technology in Society, 34(4): 326-336
"Technology, Choice and the Good Life: Questioning Technological Liberalism."
Popular Audience Writing
2023 | The Breakthrough Journal
"The Problem with Transformative Change"
2023 | The New Atlantis
"Is Nuclear Returning Too Fast or Too Slow?"
2022 | 4S Backchannels
"From Honest Brokers to Thoughtful Partisans?"
2022 | The New Atlantis
"Unsustainable Alarmism"
2022 | OneEarth (with Henrique Pereira)
"From Antagonistic Conservation to Biodiversity Democracy in Rewilding"
2022 | The New Atlantis
"The Twitter Surveillance State"
2022 | The Conversation (syndicated in Big Think, Japan Today, etc.)
"Fact-Checking May be Important, but it Won't Help Americans Disagree Better"
2021 | Salon
"Why Blaming Vaccine Hesitancy on Conspiracy Theorists is Harmful to Democracy"
2021 | ISSUES in Science and Technology (letter)
"A Veneer of Objectivity"
2021 | Zocalo Public Square
"Why Tolerate Intolerance"
2021 | The MIT Press Reader
"Why Science Can't Settle Political Disputes"
2021 | Washington Post
"Vaccine Mandates Will Backfire. People Will Resist Even More" (with Nicholas Tampio)
2021 | The New Atlantis
"The Danger of Fact-ist Politics"
2020 | The New Atlantis
"Democracy and the Nuclear Stalemate" (with Michael Bouchey)
2020 | The New Atlantis
"Radiation Politics in a Pandemic"
2019 | Strong Towns
"This Neighborhood in Germany Shows Us Why American Planned Communities are So Abysmal"
"The Problem with Transformative Change"
2023 | The New Atlantis
"Is Nuclear Returning Too Fast or Too Slow?"
2022 | 4S Backchannels
"From Honest Brokers to Thoughtful Partisans?"
2022 | The New Atlantis
"Unsustainable Alarmism"
2022 | OneEarth (with Henrique Pereira)
"From Antagonistic Conservation to Biodiversity Democracy in Rewilding"
2022 | The New Atlantis
"The Twitter Surveillance State"
2022 | The Conversation (syndicated in Big Think, Japan Today, etc.)
"Fact-Checking May be Important, but it Won't Help Americans Disagree Better"
2021 | Salon
"Why Blaming Vaccine Hesitancy on Conspiracy Theorists is Harmful to Democracy"
2021 | ISSUES in Science and Technology (letter)
"A Veneer of Objectivity"
2021 | Zocalo Public Square
"Why Tolerate Intolerance"
2021 | The MIT Press Reader
"Why Science Can't Settle Political Disputes"
2021 | Washington Post
"Vaccine Mandates Will Backfire. People Will Resist Even More" (with Nicholas Tampio)
2021 | The New Atlantis
"The Danger of Fact-ist Politics"
2020 | The New Atlantis
"Democracy and the Nuclear Stalemate" (with Michael Bouchey)
2020 | The New Atlantis
"Radiation Politics in a Pandemic"
2019 | Strong Towns
"This Neighborhood in Germany Shows Us Why American Planned Communities are So Abysmal"
Television/Radio/Podcast/Web Appearances
2022 | Radio France International: Romania
"Post-Trust, Not Post-Truth"
2021 | American Enterprise Institute
"Expertise and Objectivity in Science and Politics"
2021 | TVO: The Agenda with Steve Paikin
"Post-Truth, Post-Trump"
"Post-Trust, Not Post-Truth"
2021 | American Enterprise Institute
"Expertise and Objectivity in Science and Politics"
2021 | TVO: The Agenda with Steve Paikin
"Post-Truth, Post-Trump"
Other Publications
2021 | Mars City States: New Societies for a New World.
Edited by Frank Crossman. Lakewood, CO: Polaris Books, 271-297.
"Phronesium: A Self-Organized Martian City State."
2015 | Engaging Science, Technology, and Society, 1: 131-137.
"Challenging Convergences in Lay Thought and STS Practice: A Reply to My Critics."
2015 | Ethics, Science, Technology, and Engineering: A Global Resource, Second Edition.
Edited by J. Britt Holbrook and Carl Mitcham. Farmington Hills, MI: MacMillan Reference USA.
"Civil Society" (with Edward J. Woodhouse)
Edited by Frank Crossman. Lakewood, CO: Polaris Books, 271-297.
"Phronesium: A Self-Organized Martian City State."
2015 | Engaging Science, Technology, and Society, 1: 131-137.
"Challenging Convergences in Lay Thought and STS Practice: A Reply to My Critics."
2015 | Ethics, Science, Technology, and Engineering: A Global Resource, Second Edition.
Edited by J. Britt Holbrook and Carl Mitcham. Farmington Hills, MI: MacMillan Reference USA.
"Civil Society" (with Edward J. Woodhouse)
Conference Presentations
2023 | Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science
"Naturalizing the Monsters? Possibilities for Coexisting with Ecological Pests"
Honolulu, HI. November 9.
2022 | World Biodiversity Forum
"Managing Post-Normality in Contentious Science Policy"
Davos, Switzerland. July, 30.
2022 | iDiv Conference
"Biodiversity Democracy? Populism, Technocracy, and the Problem of Expertise"
Leipzig, Germany. April 26.
2021 | Annual Meeting of Society for Social Studies of Science.
“Living with Wilderness? Rewilding and the Problems of 'Nature’”
Virtual. Oct. 9th.
2019 | Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science.
"Is (Post)Truth the Enemy of the Open Society? Knowledge, Fanaticism, and the Future of Democracy."
New Orleans, Louisiana. September 4th.
2019 | Crafting the Long Tomorrow.
"Subverting Extractivism: Regeneration as a Paradigm for the Global Emergency.
Biosphere 2, AZ. February 22nd.
2017 | Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science.
"Progress through Sociotechnical Dismantling? Conceptualizing Luddism for the 21st Century."
Boston, Massachusetts. August 31st.
2016 | New Mexico Higher Education Assessment and Retention Conference.
"Full STEAM Ahead: A Humanities and Social Sciences-Based Living Learning Community for STEM Students."
Albuquerque, New Mexico. February 26th.
2015 | Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science.
"From Autonomous Technology to Permissionless Innovation: Psychocultural Barriers to Better Governing Technology."
Denver, Colorado. Nov. 13th.
2014 | Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science.
"Can Constructivism Have Politics? The Democratic Limits of Technological Possibilitarianism."
Buenos Aires, Argentina. Aug. 21st.
2014 | Generative Justice: Value from the Bottom-up.
"Generating Community, Generating Justice? Evaluating Community Energy Initiatives"
Troy, NY. June 28th.
2013 | Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science.
"STS and the Reconstruction of Everyday Life: (Re)Building Local Community."
San Diego, CA. Oct. 12th.
2011 | Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science.
"Performative Philosophy of Technology and the Good Life."
Cleveland, OH. Nov. 5th.
"Naturalizing the Monsters? Possibilities for Coexisting with Ecological Pests"
Honolulu, HI. November 9.
2022 | World Biodiversity Forum
"Managing Post-Normality in Contentious Science Policy"
Davos, Switzerland. July, 30.
2022 | iDiv Conference
"Biodiversity Democracy? Populism, Technocracy, and the Problem of Expertise"
Leipzig, Germany. April 26.
2021 | Annual Meeting of Society for Social Studies of Science.
“Living with Wilderness? Rewilding and the Problems of 'Nature’”
Virtual. Oct. 9th.
2019 | Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science.
"Is (Post)Truth the Enemy of the Open Society? Knowledge, Fanaticism, and the Future of Democracy."
New Orleans, Louisiana. September 4th.
2019 | Crafting the Long Tomorrow.
"Subverting Extractivism: Regeneration as a Paradigm for the Global Emergency.
Biosphere 2, AZ. February 22nd.
2017 | Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science.
"Progress through Sociotechnical Dismantling? Conceptualizing Luddism for the 21st Century."
Boston, Massachusetts. August 31st.
2016 | New Mexico Higher Education Assessment and Retention Conference.
"Full STEAM Ahead: A Humanities and Social Sciences-Based Living Learning Community for STEM Students."
Albuquerque, New Mexico. February 26th.
2015 | Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science.
"From Autonomous Technology to Permissionless Innovation: Psychocultural Barriers to Better Governing Technology."
Denver, Colorado. Nov. 13th.
2014 | Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science.
"Can Constructivism Have Politics? The Democratic Limits of Technological Possibilitarianism."
Buenos Aires, Argentina. Aug. 21st.
2014 | Generative Justice: Value from the Bottom-up.
"Generating Community, Generating Justice? Evaluating Community Energy Initiatives"
Troy, NY. June 28th.
2013 | Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science.
"STS and the Reconstruction of Everyday Life: (Re)Building Local Community."
San Diego, CA. Oct. 12th.
2011 | Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science.
"Performative Philosophy of Technology and the Good Life."
Cleveland, OH. Nov. 5th.
Invited Talks/Panels
2023 | Wall to Wall. Guadalajara International Book Fair
"Belief: The Certainties that Divide Us."
Virtual. November 26, 2023.
2021 | Open Society University Network - Hannah Arendt Humanities Network
"The Social Epistemology of The Open Society"
Invited Expert on Karl Popper. Annandale, NY. July 22-26, 2021.
2021 | UC San Diego Postdoctoral Association. 8th Annual Career Symposium
"What Can You Be with a PhD?: Careers in Science Policy."
Virtual. April 9, 2021.
2016 | EPSCoR Innovative Working Group.
"Optimizing the Use of New Mexico's Renewable Energy and Water Resources: An STS Scholar's Perspective."
Jemez Springs, NM. August 13, 2016.
2016 | Department of Mechanical Engineering Seminar. New Mexico Tech.
"What Does STS Have to Offer Engineering (Education)"
Socorro, NM. February 26th.
"Belief: The Certainties that Divide Us."
Virtual. November 26, 2023.
2021 | Open Society University Network - Hannah Arendt Humanities Network
"The Social Epistemology of The Open Society"
Invited Expert on Karl Popper. Annandale, NY. July 22-26, 2021.
2021 | UC San Diego Postdoctoral Association. 8th Annual Career Symposium
"What Can You Be with a PhD?: Careers in Science Policy."
Virtual. April 9, 2021.
2016 | EPSCoR Innovative Working Group.
"Optimizing the Use of New Mexico's Renewable Energy and Water Resources: An STS Scholar's Perspective."
Jemez Springs, NM. August 13, 2016.
2016 | Department of Mechanical Engineering Seminar. New Mexico Tech.
"What Does STS Have to Offer Engineering (Education)"
Socorro, NM. February 26th.
Workshop Papers
2018 | "The Promise and Peril of Produced Waters: Responsibly Innovating at the
Water-Energy-Food Nexus" NNCI Winter School on Responsible Innovation and the
Social Studies of Emerging Technologies. Sagauro Lake Ranch, AZ. January 3-10.
2017 | STS: Underground
"The Promise and Perils of Produced Water: Intelligently Managing an Unconventional Water Resource"
Golden, CO. February 5-7.
Water-Energy-Food Nexus" NNCI Winter School on Responsible Innovation and the
Social Studies of Emerging Technologies. Sagauro Lake Ranch, AZ. January 3-10.
2017 | STS: Underground
"The Promise and Perils of Produced Water: Intelligently Managing an Unconventional Water Resource"
Golden, CO. February 5-7.
Administrative Initiatives
2021-pres | Development of BA in UX Research and Design
2021-pres | Development of BS in STEM Education
2020-2021 | Redesign of Department Website
2020-2021 | Merger of CLASS with Departments of Psychology and Education
2019-2021 | Development and Implementation of MS in Public Engagement
2021-pres | Development of BS in STEM Education
2020-2021 | Redesign of Department Website
2020-2021 | Merger of CLASS with Departments of Psychology and Education
2019-2021 | Development and Implementation of MS in Public Engagement
Teaching Experience
New Mexico Tech | Communications, Liberal Arts, and Social Sciences (CLASS)
Undergraduate Courses:
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | Science and Technology Studies (STS)
Aaniih Nakoda Tribal College | Mathematics
Undergraduate Courses:
- Introduction to Science & Technology Studies
- Unintended Consequences, Industrial Accidents, & Other Anthropogenic Disasters
- Understanding Scientific Controversies
- Science & Technology Policy
- The Digital Age and Its Discontents
- The Collapse of Civilization (and Its Possible Prevention)
- User Experience Research & Design
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | Science and Technology Studies (STS)
- Introduction to Science & Technology Studies
- Communities: Time & Space
- Information Technology & Society
- Media & Democracy
Aaniih Nakoda Tribal College | Mathematics
- Introduction to Algebra
- Intermediate Algebra
- College Algebra
- Trigonometry
- Calculus I
- Spreadsheets
- Introduction to Computers
Professional Association and Service
- Science, Technology, and Human Values
- Philosophy and Technology
- Technology in Society
- Bulletin of Science, Technology, and Society
- Teknokultura
- Journal of Happiness Studies
- Society for the Social Study of Science
- Society for Philosophy of Technology
Fellowships and Scholarships
2017 | DAAD, Faculty "Learn German in Germany" Fellowship
2014 | "CommonBound" Attendee Scholarship, New Economic Coalition Meeting
2012 | Alger Summer Research Fellowship in Engineering Ethics
2010 | Rensselaer Graduate Student Fellowship
2008 | DAAD, RISE-Pro German Research Exchange Fellowship
2007 | Sandia National Laboratory Graduate Research Fellowship
2003 | New Mexico Tech Competitive Scholarship
2014 | "CommonBound" Attendee Scholarship, New Economic Coalition Meeting
2012 | Alger Summer Research Fellowship in Engineering Ethics
2010 | Rensselaer Graduate Student Fellowship
2008 | DAAD, RISE-Pro German Research Exchange Fellowship
2007 | Sandia National Laboratory Graduate Research Fellowship
2003 | New Mexico Tech Competitive Scholarship
German Upper Intermediate (B2) Speaking, Reading, & Writing
Spanish Intermediate Reading
French Intermediate Reading
Spanish Intermediate Reading
French Intermediate Reading
Blog Posts
If You Don't Want Outbreaks, Don't Have In-Person Classes
How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Live with Conspiracy Theorists
Reopening Colleges & Universities an Unwise, Needless Gamble
What Critics of Planet of the Humans Get Wrong
Why Scientific Literacy Won't Help Stop the Coronavirus Pandemic
Community Life in the Playborhood
Who Needs What Technology Analysis?
The Pedagogy of Control
Don't Shovel Shit
The Decline of American Community Makes Parenting Miserable
The Limits of Machine-Centered Medicine
Why Arming Teachers is a Terrible Idea
Why School Shootings are More Likely in the Networked Age
Against Epistocracy
Why the Way We Talk About Politics Will Ensure that Mass Shootings Keep Happening
Why Didn't Everyone Recognize that Semi-Autonomous Cars Would Impair Drivers?
Community in the Age of Limited Liability
Conservative Case for Progressive Politics
Hyperloop Likely to Be Boondoggle
Policing the Boundaries of Medicine
Automating Medicine
On the Myth of Net Neutrality
On Americans' Acquiescence to Injustice
Science, Politics, and Partisanship
Moving Beyond Science and Pseudoscience in the Facilitated Communication Debate
Privacy Threats and the Counterproductive Refuge of VPNs
Andrew Potter's Macleans Shitstorm
The (Inevitable?) Exportation of the American Way of Life
The Irony of American Political Discourse: The Denial of Politics
Why It Is Too Early for Sanders Supports to Get Behind Hillary Clinton
Science's Legitimacy Problem
Forbes' Faith-Based Understanding of Science
There is No Anti-Scientism Movement, and It’s a Shame Too
American Pro Rugby Should Be Community-Owned
Why Not Break the Internet?
Why are Scientists and Engineers Content to Work for Scraps when MBAs get a Seat at the Table?
Solar Freakin' Car Culture
Mass Shooting Victims ARE on the Rise
Are These Shoes Made for Running? Uncertainty, Complexity and Minimalist Footwear
What Was Step Two Again? Underpants Gnomes and the Technocratic Theory of Progress
Don't Drink the GMO Kool-Aid! Continuity Arguments and Controversial TechnoScience
On Being Driven by Driverless Cars
Why America Needs the Educational Equivalent of the FDA
On Introversion, the Internet and the Importance of Small Talk
I (Still) Don't Believe in Digital Dualism
The Anatomy of a Trolley Accident
The Allure of Technological Solipsism
The Quixotic Dangers Inherent in Reading Too Much
If Science Is on Your Side, Then Who's on Mine?
The High Cost of Endless Novelty - Part II
The High Cost of Endless Novelty
Lock-up Your Wi-Fi Cards: Searching for the Good Life in a Technological Age
The Symbolic Analyst Sweatshop in the Winner-Take-All Society
On Digital Dualism: What Would Neil Postman Say?
Redirecting the Technoscience Machine
Battling my Cell Phone for the Good Life
How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Live with Conspiracy Theorists
Reopening Colleges & Universities an Unwise, Needless Gamble
What Critics of Planet of the Humans Get Wrong
Why Scientific Literacy Won't Help Stop the Coronavirus Pandemic
Community Life in the Playborhood
Who Needs What Technology Analysis?
The Pedagogy of Control
Don't Shovel Shit
The Decline of American Community Makes Parenting Miserable
The Limits of Machine-Centered Medicine
Why Arming Teachers is a Terrible Idea
Why School Shootings are More Likely in the Networked Age
Against Epistocracy
Why the Way We Talk About Politics Will Ensure that Mass Shootings Keep Happening
Why Didn't Everyone Recognize that Semi-Autonomous Cars Would Impair Drivers?
Community in the Age of Limited Liability
Conservative Case for Progressive Politics
Hyperloop Likely to Be Boondoggle
Policing the Boundaries of Medicine
Automating Medicine
On the Myth of Net Neutrality
On Americans' Acquiescence to Injustice
Science, Politics, and Partisanship
Moving Beyond Science and Pseudoscience in the Facilitated Communication Debate
Privacy Threats and the Counterproductive Refuge of VPNs
Andrew Potter's Macleans Shitstorm
The (Inevitable?) Exportation of the American Way of Life
The Irony of American Political Discourse: The Denial of Politics
Why It Is Too Early for Sanders Supports to Get Behind Hillary Clinton
Science's Legitimacy Problem
Forbes' Faith-Based Understanding of Science
There is No Anti-Scientism Movement, and It’s a Shame Too
American Pro Rugby Should Be Community-Owned
Why Not Break the Internet?
Why are Scientists and Engineers Content to Work for Scraps when MBAs get a Seat at the Table?
Solar Freakin' Car Culture
Mass Shooting Victims ARE on the Rise
Are These Shoes Made for Running? Uncertainty, Complexity and Minimalist Footwear
What Was Step Two Again? Underpants Gnomes and the Technocratic Theory of Progress
Don't Drink the GMO Kool-Aid! Continuity Arguments and Controversial TechnoScience
On Being Driven by Driverless Cars
Why America Needs the Educational Equivalent of the FDA
On Introversion, the Internet and the Importance of Small Talk
I (Still) Don't Believe in Digital Dualism
The Anatomy of a Trolley Accident
The Allure of Technological Solipsism
The Quixotic Dangers Inherent in Reading Too Much
If Science Is on Your Side, Then Who's on Mine?
The High Cost of Endless Novelty - Part II
The High Cost of Endless Novelty
Lock-up Your Wi-Fi Cards: Searching for the Good Life in a Technological Age
The Symbolic Analyst Sweatshop in the Winner-Take-All Society
On Digital Dualism: What Would Neil Postman Say?
Redirecting the Technoscience Machine
Battling my Cell Phone for the Good Life